Sunday, March 27, 2005

Journal Painting

Painting: "Primal"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying browsing through your blog(s). It's a terrific body of work you're putting together, and it's cool how you work in many different media.
I keep returning to this image most of all. The tribal composition and color scheme are quite attractive. Really like the build of the stag with so few strokes yet so many details. I haven't yet decided if the people are stoning the stag or enriching their lives from its presence, but that uncertainty is, I think, part of this piece's charm.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Divine Synchrondipity said...

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed visiting. It makes it so worth it. (The time it takes to keep the blog up and growing.)

I have almost all these bits and pieces of art at hand, real time, but I find it interesting and a little disconcerting that my blog pages are "out there" floating in the netherworld and by some computer error could be deleted anytime. It's an odd feeling to devote so much time and care to something and... well, Tibetan sand paintings come to mind: Days to complete, a moment to brush away.

Thank you for giving this little piece (~5 1/2 x 8 1/2) such consideration. I really appreciate your comments. :::Reaching for the book it's in::: I did it in gouache with an antique gold metallic background. So the figures are flat and dull against the shimmer of the background.

I'm fond of the stag too. Maybe that can be seen. Simple, rounded. In the original he has a look of uncertainty, and I see him as kind of detached from what's happening with the figures in the background. And actually, I see the figures detached from their emotions as well. Hmmm.

I veer away from interpreting this too much. It kind of evolved as I was painting, and I really haven't pinned the total meaning down myself.

But I'm very pleased you like it.

12:44 PM  

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